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The product lines we represent are as follows:

Datalogger and Sensors

Campbell Scientific manufactures dataloggers, data acquisition systems, and measurement and control products used worldwide in research and industry. Their instrumentation is known for its flexibility, precision measurements, and dependability - even in harsh, remote environments.

Water Quality Monitoring Sensors:

Almost any sensor, individual or multiparameter (Hydrolab, YSI, Eureka, In-Situ), may be used with the system, allowing the system to be customized for each application. We helped create the original SDI-12 standard, so you can be sure our systems are SDI-12 compatible. In addition, nearly all available flow, level, and meteorological sensors can be measured and recorded to meet client specific applications.

Weather Station Sensors:

Almost any meteorological sensor can be measured by our dataloggers, allowing stations to be customized for each site. Typical sensors used on our stations include, but are not limited to: Wind speed and direction, Solar radiation, Temperature (air, water, soil), Relative humidity, Precipitation, Barometric pressure, Soil moisture. At some locations, hydrological sensors provide additional measurements, such as water level of a nearby stream.

Data Access:

VDV is a comprehensive sensor data management system for monitoring measurements, storing data in a database, offering web access, alarm service, reports and application specific data handling toolkits for various disciplines.

Vista Data Vision

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